All gas appliances and specified fittings supplied by importers or NZ manufacturers after November 2002 must have a supplier declaration. (An appliance that has been endorsed; or was imported before 2002; or has been imported for the consumer’s own use does not require a supplier declaration).

A supplier declaration is a statement from the supplier that it complies with safety and marking requirements of the regulations. It is not an approval from WorkSafe. Regardless of the existence of a supplier declaration, a person selling or installing an appliance must take reasonably practicable steps to ensure the appliance is safe.

Any appliance imported or NZ manufactured after 1 July 2013 must be in the 2010 format with full certification details including a copy of the certification. Declarations made under the 1993 regulations are only valid for stock that was imported/manufactured prior to July 2013.

Declaration History

Version Make Model Product Category Created On

A supplier declaration is a statement from the supplier that it complies with safety and marking requirements of the Gas (Safety & Measurement) Regulations. It is not an approval from WorkSafe.

Regardless of the existence of a supplier declaration, a person selling or installing an appliance must take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the appliance is safe.